Same day delivery available in:
Blackburn, Darwen & surrounding areas
BB1, BB2, BB3, BB4 and BB5
Same day delivery available in:
Bolton, Bury & surrounding areas
Same day delivery available in:
Radcliffe & Whitefield
M26 and M45
Same day delivery available in:
Preston, Leyland, Chorley & surrounding areas
PR0, PR1, PR2, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR11 and PR25
Same day delivery available in:
Wigan & surrounding areas
WN1, WN2, WN3, WN5 and WN6
- To qualify for same day delivery, your order must be placed, confirmed and paid for by 12pm (noon) Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If an order is paid for after 12pm then we will do our best to deliver it the same day, but we can't guarantee it. Orders paid for at the weekend will be delivered the next working day.
- Deliveries are made between 12pm and 5pm Monday to Friday, so please ensure that your premises are open for deliveries between these times.
- Deliveries to flats/offices/shopping centres will only be attempted so long as there is parking available directly outside. We will call you 5 minutes before we are due to arrive, and you must meet us outside on the street/parking area.
- If it's possible that you may be closed (or nobody will be home) then please leave a note when you place your order to advise us of a directly neighbouring premises that you're happy for us to deliver to as an alternative.
- If we attempt to deliver during the above stated time period and the premises are closed/nobody is available to accept the delivery, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to re-attempt delivery the same day, so we reserve the right to try again the next working day.
- A signature will be required at the point of delivery - we will NOT leave a parcel in a "safe place" or any unattended location.
- Please ensure that you have provided us with your phone number when choosing this option as we may need to call you when delivering your order.
- We will make a maximum of 2 attempts to deliver your order. If both attempts are unsuccessful for reasons beyond our control, we will not attempt a third time and you will liable to pay again for any further delivery attempts.
- If deliveries are affected due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather, traffic conditions/accidents or similar, we will re-attempt delivery at the earliest possible convenience. In this situation, we will call you and let you know. We will not consider this as a failed delivery attempt as it is beyond everybody's control.